Spiritual Life


Our faith is the heart of Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic School. Through prayer and service, we have the opportunity to live and grow in our faith. The vision of Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic School, as embraced by parents, students, faculty, and staff, is based upon the Catholic Christian philosophy as expressed in sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church. The philosophy is rooted in our belief in the dignity of the human person, the inalienable right of each person to develop his/her talents to the fullest for self-enhancement, service to God and others, and the freedom of the human will.

Together we strive to make our faith come alive through attending Mass, Adoration and prayer services, praying the rosary, classroom activities, special programs, and service learning projects throughout the year.

Volunteering to serve on a P.T.A. Spiritual Life committee and participating in activities is time well spent. As a special component of our school community, P.T.A. Spiritual Life is one of the many things that makes Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic School such a wonderful place!